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Wacky but True Insurance Stories

Wacky but True Insurance Stories

Having insurance is important for protecting you and your family. We’ve seen lots of insurance claims here at this office, and we always respond quickly and effectively. We welcome all questions from our clients, no matter how unusual they may be. Here are some unique insurance stories from around the globe:

The Burglar that Won

While a couple was on vacation, a burglar entered their Pennsylvania home. After the robbery, he tried to exit through the garage, which malfunctioned and would not open. He was stuck in the garage for a little over a week and ended up eating the only thing he could find—a bag of dog food and one case of Pepsi. He ended up suing their homeowner’s insurance and won the case claiming undue mental stress. He walked away with $500,000.

Coverage for Alien Abductions

If you’re worried about getting abducted by aliens, you’ll need to move to Florida to get insurance for that. The company, which the locals call “UFO Abduction Insurance Company,” has sold over 6,000 policies so far. It costs about $20 and offers sarcasm coverage, double identity coverage, and covers psychiatric care. For an added $5, you can get a paper certificate to show your friends. The policy pays out $10 million but that translates to $1 per year for 10 million years. Of course, you also need to prove you’ve been abducted to receive the payout, which may be tricky to do. So far, they’ve paid out a grand total of 2 claims.

Lost Cell Phone

Okay, this one might not sound weird, but wait until you hear where it got lost. A farmer in the UK was working around his field one night when one of his cows starting calving. As he was helping, he needed the use of his flashlight on the dark and storming night. The phone got stuck, the man saying it disappeared in the cow. Eventually the phone did get “returned,” but it was too damaged to use. His claim was approved, and his insurance company paid him in full.

Coconut Catastrophe

Falling coconuts are a true hazard. About 150 people around the globe each year die from coconuts falling on their heads. Travel agencies have had to add falling coconut accidents to their insurance policies to cover their businesses. In Hawaii, a police officer was awarded about $40,000 after being struck in the head with a falling coconut while he was removing fronds from a public sidewalk.

Treasured Taste Testers

When your livelihood relies on taste testing products, you need to cover your assets—your tongue. Master of Coffee, Gennaro Pelliccia, has the world’s most valuable tongue, insured at $14 million. As Costa Coffee’s top coffee taste tester, he personally tests every single batch of coffee beans at the roastery. His 18 years of experience and prolific taste buds are critical to the coffee company’s success. He’s insured by Lloyd’s of London, the world’s oldest insurance market.

If you’re in need of insurance of any kind, give Four Seasons Insurance a call today with all your questions.

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